CurriculumAnatomy and Physiology- This class goes step by step through each system of the body explains the functions of the different parts and how they work together.
Common Diseases- Learn about the most common diseases in our society such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and cancer. The students will learn the causes and natural ways to treat these diseases. Massage- Hands on training in how to relieve suffering through the art of massage. Hydrotherapy- Learn about the effective use of hot and cold water to treat pain, illness and to boost the immune system. Nutrition- The latest information on nutrition and it’s role in the prevention and even reversal of some diseases. God’s Healing Program- This is a class that explores different methods of healing and reveals the the method that God’s followers are to use in helping others. Herbs- Learn about different herbs and their different uses in treating a wide variety of illnesses. Personal Evangelism- In this class you will learn the different ways of finding Bible study interest within the community and how to give an effective Bible study. Learn how to apply the scriptures and make it practical, how to make an appeal and call for a decision. The students will also learn literature evangelism and other methods of reaching the hearts of others. Public Evangelism- Learn how to plan, organize, and deliver dynamic public lectures on health and Bible topics. We will also cover how to conduct seminars such as cooking schools and stop smoking programs. Steps to Christ- A life changing study on how to have a personal walk with Jesus Christ How to Study the Bible- Different approaches to studying the Bible to enrich your devotional experience. Daniel and Revelation- You will be given the keys that are necessary to unlock the mysteries of end time events. Other Topics Covered- Righteousness by Faith, Prophetic Guidance, Sacred History, Self- Supporting Work, The Sanctuary, Work Ethics, Marriage and the Family, and Accounting and Finance. |