A Brief History of Eden Valley Institute

In the fall of 1961, two couples from Colorado attended a supporting ministries convention at Oak Haven in Pullman, Michigan. There, Harold and Effie Grosboll, with Pete and Ann Borris, were deeply impressed that they should become involved in the establishment of a self-supporting institution. They went back to Colorado in search of a suitable site. Twelve miles west of Loveland, they located 600 acres of land for sale. It was in a lovely, secluded valley, in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, already known as Eden Valley.
The men lost no time in selling their nursing home in Boulder, Colorado, and reinvesting the entire proceeds in the Eden Valley property. Building work commenced, and soon a nursing home was ready for occupancy. Workers’ residences, a shop, and other essential buildings were completed and Eden Valley Institute was open for ministry.
Through the subsequent years, with its cycles of growth, changes of leadership, challenging times and years of plenty, God’s leading and blessings were in abundant evidence. Evangelistic outreaches in the nearby cities of Estes Park and Ft. Collins resulted in church plants in those communities.
Over the next decade, the influence of Eden Valley progressed far beyond the local community as staff and students began to answer God’s call, sacrificially serving around the world. Supporting ministries were established in South and Central America, Korea, Japan, India, Africa, Mexico, Canada, Poland, and China.
Today, many of these ministries still serve to bring the gospel to a lost and dying world.
Today, we are on a growth cycle with a new Lifestyle Center building in progress, a new beginning of our education program, evangelistic meetings for the community, and are very thankful for our united campus coming together under God’s leadership.
The men lost no time in selling their nursing home in Boulder, Colorado, and reinvesting the entire proceeds in the Eden Valley property. Building work commenced, and soon a nursing home was ready for occupancy. Workers’ residences, a shop, and other essential buildings were completed and Eden Valley Institute was open for ministry.
Through the subsequent years, with its cycles of growth, changes of leadership, challenging times and years of plenty, God’s leading and blessings were in abundant evidence. Evangelistic outreaches in the nearby cities of Estes Park and Ft. Collins resulted in church plants in those communities.
Over the next decade, the influence of Eden Valley progressed far beyond the local community as staff and students began to answer God’s call, sacrificially serving around the world. Supporting ministries were established in South and Central America, Korea, Japan, India, Africa, Mexico, Canada, Poland, and China.
Today, many of these ministries still serve to bring the gospel to a lost and dying world.
Today, we are on a growth cycle with a new Lifestyle Center building in progress, a new beginning of our education program, evangelistic meetings for the community, and are very thankful for our united campus coming together under God’s leadership.
The Lifestyle Center and Farm
In 1982, a lifestyle center was started to reach out to those who were in health crisis. The treatments implement God’s natural laws of health outlined in the Bible. Guests experience rest, healing, and peace in the beautiful nature surrounding Eden Valley. More importantly, they are brought to the knowledge of Jesus, who only can give true healing both physically and spiritually. The organic farm brings wonderful, fresh produce to the table, which complements the exercise, massage, hydrotherapy, and holistic approach to healing experienced in the Lifestyle Center.
Mission Statement:
As a supporting ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Eden Valley is committed to communicating the gospel by ministering to each person on all levels:
- Physical: Lifestyle ministry – teaching practical principles of health using natural means, and empowering our guests by pointing them to Jesus as their only help in making positive lifestyle choices for optimal vitality and well-being
- Mental: Health evangelism training - by preparing students to be of service to God
- Spiritual: Restoration of the image of Jesus by reflecting His character to all whom we serve